
400 Willow Street
North Andover, MA 01845

About Gefran

Gefran is the leading provider and designer of production component products and solutions for measuring, controlling, and driving industrial production processes. The product lines range from a wide variety of transducers, sensors (melt,pressure, linear, etc), controllers, solid state relays, indicators, inverters, drives, and other products. We have over 14 branches in 12 countries and a network of 80 World Wide Distributors.

Competitors of Gefran

Fluid Components International -FCI

Fluid Components International -FCI

FCI is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of air/gas flow meters, liquid/gas flow switches and liquid level switches. They are applied in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities, power generation, oil and gas industry, chemical plants, refineries and other process and... Read More

Founded in 1915, Yokogawa engages in broad-ranging activities in the areas of measurement, control, and information. The industrial automation business provides vital products, services, and solutions to a diverse range of process industries including oil, chemicals, natural gas,... Read More

As a world leader in automation, Siemen’s technology portfolio and best-in-class service can provide the outcome you are searching for. The result is real added value across all industries - regardless of the phase of automation or to what degree of digitalization your company is starting from... Read More