Control Instruments Corp

25 Law Drive, STE 1
Fairfield, NJ 07004-3295

About Control Instruments Corp

For over fifty years Control Instruments Corporation has dedicated their expertise to the industrial community, providing safe and efficient environments for companies worldwide. We engineer and manufacture high quality solutions to both simple and complex gas detection problems, leaving your facility, employees, and environment safe and secure. Our highly successful gas detection systems are the industry standard for lower flammable limit (LFL) and total hydrocarbon monitoring, and are installed and used under the most demanding conditions, from printing, coating, and flexible packaging processes to semiconductor, pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturers. Control Instruments Corporation’s family of gas detection products includes continuous process analyzers,BTU analyzers, flammable gas monitors, oxygen monitors, and remote access and control devices for all of your gas detection and solvent vapor monitoring needs.

Competitors of Control Instruments Corp



In business since 1998, aeSolutions is a consulting, engineering and systems integration company that provides industrial process safety and automation products and services. They specialize in helping industrial clients achieve their risk management and operational excellence goals through... Read More

As a world leader in automation, Siemen’s technology portfolio and best-in-class service can provide the outcome you are searching for. The result is real added value across all industries - regardless of the phase of automation or to what degree of digitalization your company is starting from... Read More

BS&B Safety Systems

BS&B Safety Systems is the inventor of the metal rupture disk, offering a wide variety of over-pressure relief products including metal and graphite rupture disks, industrial explosion protection, specialty valves, flame arresters, tank vents, and pressure relief valves. Read More